Finding a Business Partner Abroad
Do first impressions lie? On paper, the company looked impressive. Out of the six potential partners that we’d shortlisted, and that I’d travelled to Mumbai to meet, this one looked the best on paper. Rajesh, the young CEO who came to meet me at my hotel looked the part too – immaculately dressed, well spoken, and clearly well organised, as he laid out paperwork and photos on the table in front of us.
Free Trade Agreements – What are the Real Opportunities for the UK?
Those politicians who are enthusiastic about Brexit are always talking about the UK having great opportunities for trade after leaving the EU. Those who oppose Brexit – and many who are on the fence – dismiss those potential opportunities, at least for the short term, and say that the loss of EU trade would more than outweigh any new benefits.
Free Trade Agreements – Past Successes and Failures – Can Lessons be Learnt?
For this series, I’ve been reading up the studies that have been done into their impact – the successes and failures – to see what can be learnt. Such lessons are useful from two points of view.
Free Trade Agreements – World Trade Organisation, Gatt and Other Players You Need To Know About
Episode 2 – We’ll look at the recent history of trade deals, cut through the jargon, look at the key principles and, after all of that, get a pretty good understanding of why FTAs are so difficult to negotiate.
Free Trade Agreements – The Principles Explained
Free Trade Agreements are always in the news, and governments treat them as a Holy Grail. Yet most people –…
Why Outsource when you can Insource?
Are you thinking of outsourcing some of your work to another country to save money? Maybe you should be thinking…
Get it right when starting in Germany
Germany is a superb target market for expanding your company. It’s the largest market in Europe, and relatively easy to…
Lost in Translation
Language is a wonderful but dangerous thing. I’ve lived and worked all my life with people of many nationalities; I…
Welcome to the USA – the promised land?
For most businesses contemplating international expansion, their first choice is the USA. It’s the single biggest destination for foreign direct…
Well, well, well – Kuwait’s no longer just about oil
Think of Kuwait and one thinks of oil. It’s got the world’s sixth largest oil reserves, and until recently its…