Finding a Business Partner Abroad
Do first impressions lie? On paper, the company looked impressive. Out of the six potential partners that we’d shortlisted, and that I’d travelled to Mumbai to meet, this one looked the best on paper. Rajesh, the young CEO who came to meet me at my hotel looked the part too – immaculately dressed, well spoken, and clearly well organised, as he laid out paperwork and photos on the table in front of us.
Free Trade Agreements – Past Successes and Failures – Can Lessons be Learnt?
For this series, I’ve been reading up the studies that have been done into their impact – the successes and failures – to see what can be learnt. Such lessons are useful from two points of view.
5 key reasons why International Expansion drives up company valuations
Once a SME is established in its home market, international expansion should be a no-brainer. But I’m always surprised by…
My 5-Stage Plan for International Expansion
Every business is different, but most — even small businesses — can profit from international expansion. Nevertheless, there are still many business owners who…